La Vucciria • Palermo

THE STREETSDuring the day, la Vucciria area of Palermo is bustling with residents working, eating, walking, driving, and yelling between balconies and storefronts (otherwise known as talking.) It’s grit and realness made it one of our favorite places to walk through, even while darting around more than normal to avoid becoming part of the well-worn road beneath our feet (a task, it seemed, that nearly every driver was out to achieve.) In one piazzetta the graffiti seems to surround you, most of it in protest to various shady things that corporations and governments get away with, and it just feels special there.

At night, it becomes even more spectacular, with people of all ages and backgrounds coming together to just be outside, enjoying the summer and the company, playing foosball and listening to music in the street, eating the many delicious street food options on offer (like the pork loin sandwiches we got every time we were there.) When we first stumbled upon it one night, in search of something other than gelato, (trying “just one more time” to find a cool place to hang out for awhile before giving up for the night,) and we walked down the stairs to find the scene I just described, we knew we would be there many times whilst in Palermo (and we were.)

Here are a few shots from a place I’m missing very much right now…

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