Keep calm and ✈carry on✈

carry-on my wayward son v3


Today, we pack.

Up until today we’ve been studying like we’re trying to pass the carry-on baggage bar exam.




Packing list suggestions (what NOT to bring being the most important section) and the carry-on regulations of the copious airlines we’ll be flying with have been our reading material for the past few weeks (months, really…) and even though we’ve done a lot of traveling, this whole process makes us feel like freshmen on the first day of high school. Prepared? Should be. Nervous? You betcha.

After previous years of being not-so-light packers (more proof…) we’re trying to become those sensible people we meet every summer who are just oh so carefree and happy because they aren’t carrying their entire apartments on their backs. We are GOING to succeed.

We’ve already learned two undeniable truths:

tsa, 3-1-1 carry-on liquids graphic, checklist, how-to pack for carry-on only,

The quart-sized ziplock bag is your friend


carry-on bag checker, airport, check the size of your carry on

And this may very well be your greatest foe…

After culling and culling and more culling, today we try to make our carry-on-only dreams come true. It would appear that this may be a fool’s errand, especially as none of these shots even have any of my clothes in them, meaning either I am about to make a lot of people uncomfortable or I have some adjustments to make, but I will update as the packing progresses…

With fingers crossed, breaths held, and calming mantras muttered (“I am CALMfident!”) we might just make it.

And if none of that works, a good power pose should.

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